PEI Devs

EST. 2012

PEI Devs Elders

The elders are those who are willing to help organize the events. If you are interested in supporting the community, please reach out to any of the current elders. Everyone is welcome.

Current Elders

Michael Easter

Michael Easter

An early co-organizer of the group, Michael has given several presentations, performed 'cat-herding' logistics, and sponsored the rare MeetUp. An advocate of Open Data, he founded and sponsors the PEI Open Data Book Club as a side-project within the PEI Devs umbrella. Outside of tech hobbies, Michael enjoys running and dabbling with guitar and piano.

Michael Gauthier

Michael Gauthier

Mike has been a professional developer at silverorange since 2002 and hasn't gotten tired of it yet. Anything web or mobile is sure to interest Mike. He began assisting the group in 2016. ⚔

Ron Myers

Ron Myers

Long time member and longer time nerd, Ron joined the elders in 2021. Ron is now a venture capitalist and president of the PEI IT Alliance.

Evan Porter

Evan Porter

Evan Porter has been working in the IT field for over a decade. He has extensive experience using Java / Groovy and JavaScript professionally and likes Python and Clojure for fun. Attending PEI Devs since December 2012, he became an Elder in March 2016. Evan feels old and hates writing in third person. Only Bob Dole should refer to himself in the third person.

Nolan Phillips

Nolan Phillips

My name is Nolan and I like to pary.

Elders on Sabbatical (semi-retired)

Dustin Sparks

Dustin Sparks

Founder of the PEI Developers group. Dustin carried the group for the first year and helped mold it into what it is today. Dustin stepped back from a leadership role in 2015 to focus on his business and family.

Bob Shand

Bob Shand

Another original member of the group. Bob was an early speaker at many events and helped run many of our most successful events. Much of the growth of the group can be attributed to Bob's work with Hackathons. Bob left the elder group after an employment change. You will now find Bob hosting Security B-Side conferences.

Derek Campbell

Derek Campbell

One of the original members of the group. Derek was an active elder in 2013-2015 where he helped spread the group across the island, bring the group through Summerside and beyond.

Ryan Palmer

Ryan Palmer

Original Member of the group. Ryan taught the group early about tinkering with gadgets and Continuous Integration. Ryan was always a positive influence on the group until an employment opportunity took his talents to Toronto.

Steven Baker

Steven Baker

He lived in Summerside for 2-3 years and was a co-organizer for some meetups and esp. the August 2013 hackathon. He was also a sponsor on occasion. Steven now lives in Sweden.

Matt Duffy

Matt Duffy

An avid sports fan, Matt spends most of his free time running in marathons and playing on his block's cricket team. You will find Matt in his down time using the PEI Devs slack channel as his personal Rubber Duck.

Michael Berger

Michael Berger

Michael is a full stack developer that hates talking about himself. As the picture suggests, he likes a wide range of activities, most unrelated to software development. Michael has been a long time member of the group.

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