the next generation ecosystem hub for high-growth tech-enabled companies on PEI.

To empower tech and tech-enabled startups in PEI.

Velocity is supported and guided by the IT Alliance Board of Directors:

Imad Boumahdi

CEO - Paytic

Matt Cooper

CEO, Volta

Lauren Ledwell

Partner, Women's Equity Lab

Ron Myers

Partner, Island Capital Partners

Greg Naterer

VP-Academic, UPEI

Are you interested in Velocity?


We are getting organized for a formal launch of Velocity Fall 2024.

Sign-up to stay up-to-date.

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We're Hiring!

PEI IT Alliance Stats



240% more than in the same month last year, 1280% more than two years ago


Pure Play IT Companies

Representing 1500+ members of the IT workforce in PEI


Individual Members

Members of our community engaged in various projects and initiatives

Learn more about the PEI IT Alliance

The voice of Prince Edward Island's IT industry